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41) Why do the stars twinkle?
Ans: The light from the stars travels through different layers of space of varying densities. Therefore,
the light rays deviate from their original path. Further, these layers are not stationary but keep on
moving. This leads to the twinkling of stars.
42) On what days do we have equal days and nights all over the world? And why?
Ans: On 23 September and 21 March we have equal days and nights all over the world. This is so
because on these days, the rays of the sun fall vertically on the equator at noon. Both the poles
receive equal rays of the sun. As a result, exactly one-half of each hemisphere receives the sun‘s rays.
43) Every fourth year has 366 days. Explain.
Ans: One revolution of the earth around the sun takes 356 days and 6 hours. But we consider a year
as consisting of only 365 days and ignore 6 hours. In four years the difference becomes as much as
24 hours or one day. Hence, to every fourth year we add one day. That year of 366 days is known as
leap year.
44) Why are igneous rocks called primary or parent rocks?
Ans: Igneous rocks are formed when the molten material from volcanoes gets solidified. This
material is liquid, hot and sticky which moves towards the surface through cracks and joints. All
other rocks derived from these rocks. Hence, they are called primary or parent rocks.
45) Why are the areas lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole in the Northern?
Hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole in the Southern Hemisphere very cold?
Ans: These areas are very cold because the sun does not rise much above the horizon. Therefore, its
rays are always very slanting which emit minimum heat. These areas being very cold are called
Frigid Zones.
46) Why are the three hot regions of the world-equatorial forests, savannah lands and hot deserts-not
found in Europe?
Ans: The three hot regions of the world-equatorial forests, savannah lands and hot deserts-are not
found in Europe because Europe is the only inhabited continent situated entirely outside the tropics.
47) Why is the lowest layer of the atmosphere in contact with the earth‘s surface, the warmest?
Ans: The lowest layer of the atmosphere in contact with the earth‘s surface is the warmest because
the atmosphere is heated mainly from the below.
48) Why does the temperature above the ocean and land masses vary even on the same latitude?
Ans: Temperature above the oceans and land masses varies even on the same latitude because of the
differential heating of land and water, i.e., land mass is heated and cooled more rapidly and to a
greater degree than water.
49) Why are marine animals able to live at great depths than marine plants?
Ans: As marine animals do not depend upon sunlight for their survival, they are able to live at great
depths where there is permanent darkness.
50) Why do trees of coniferous forests possess needle-like leaves?
Ans: The needle-like leaves limit transpiration and thus enable conifers to grow in the drier areas.

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